5 Local Dishes you Must Try in Bonaire

5 Local Dishes you Must Try on Bonaire

The population of Bonaire is one of the most culturally diverse communities on this side of the world; this is apparent in the rich and flavorful fusion they bring to their local food and delicacies. Even though Bonaire is a small island, the variety of cuisine is quite vast. Here are the top five dishes that you must try before you leave the island.

The favorite Bonairian snack for locals and tourists alike is the Pastechi. These are half moon shaped fried dough pockets filled with your choice of gouda cheese, ham and cheese, salt fish, tuna fish, ground beef, chicken and possibly some vegetable or vegetarian options.
Kabritu Stobá
Since Bonaire is a small island, most of its ingredients must be brought in from other places. Goat is one of the few homegrown types of poultry raised on the island itself. This is a rich stew made with onions, garlic, tomatoes, and jalapeno, which is perfectly finished off with a splash of lime, and a touch of vinegar.
Sopi Piska
Indulging in any type of seafood is a must when you're in the Caribbean. They just won't get them this fresh anywhere else. This hearty meal is a fish soup with a flavorful broth that is simply to die for.
Sopi Kadushi
Kadushi is a species of cacti which is abundant in the island of Bonaire. This has, therefore, made its way to the local cuisine. This soup is seasoned and flavored with local seafood and meats.
For those with a sweet tooth, kokada is a type of coconut candy mixed in with other subtle flavors. A yummy treat or snack people of any age can enjoy.

They say that you can tell a lot about a nation by their food. Bonaire cuisine is fresh, comforting and flavorful - much like it's people and the kind of experiences you can expect when you plan your trip to this island paradise.
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